Historians say that lemons, as we know them today, have been around for 4-million years, and originally came from the foothills of the Himalayas - but quickly spread to the Mediterranean where they became prized fruits.
What Makes Them So Special?
A great source of vitamin C and fiber, lemons contain many plant compounds, minerals and essential oils. Lemon fruit also have many potential health benefits. Eating lemons may lower your risk of heart disease, cancer and kidney stones.
What Are The Health Benefits?
Since ancient times, Mediterranean doctors have known the benefits of lemons. They often recommended applying lemon balm to injuries to reduce infection, and even adding lemon peels to wine to "calm a person's nerves." Today, we know that lemons are packed with Vitamin C, soluble fiber, and other important plant compounds that are invaluable to our health. For example, 1 lemon holds over 50% of our daily intake of Vitamin C - which is scientifically proven to reduce your risk of heart disease or strokes. Lemons also contains other compounds that have anticancer properties.
Heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes, is the world's most common cause of death. In take of fruits high in vitamin C is linked to reduce heart disease risk.
How Can I Use Lemons in my Every Day?
Lemons are some of the most versatile ingredients, and are used in nearly every Mediterranean dish - from lunch to desserts. Like our ancient ancestors, the most simple way to combine culinary arts and health benefits is combining EVOO and lemons right at the source (our Lemon-Infuse EVOO does just that)!
One of my favorite simple sauces that reminds me of my days in Italy is Ladolemono, which can be used as anything from salad dressing to a marinade for seafood or veggies. There are many delicious desserts that call for lemons as well.